How SAP C/4HANA’s Marketing Cloud Meets Consumers’ Needs

It’s been a little more than a year since SAP introduced SAP C/4HANA as its end-to-end platform for delivering a seamless, connected customer experience. As organizations put more emphasis on understanding their customers’ needs, SAP is adding more tools and solutions into its portfolio.

Learning, then Acting

We already know that customer satisfaction is the key driver of many business decisions, but when it comes to knowing how to meet our customers’ expectations, businesses need to better understand who their customers are and how to reward them for their loyalty. Companies must be able to engage with customers through a variety of channels including help desks, loyalty programs, and online communities. They also must be able to measure responses throughout these touchpoints using customer sentiment analysis, social listening, and call monitoring/speech recognition within the customer contact center. Marketing to customers only can be done right if you create a seamless experience and react to each customer’s navigation of it.

“I would argue that you cannot do proper marketing without the proper understanding of your customer,” said Nicholas Cumins, general manager of SAP Marketing Cloud. “We’re moving marketing to the center of the business. When coupled with SAP’s investment in artificial intelligence, this allows a brand to really focus on the customer experience.”

SAP Marketing Cloud, one of the five solutions included in SAP C/4HANA, provides a single view of customers with all sorts of valuable insights on how they are or aren’t engaging with marketing efforts, which ultimately leads to providing an omnichannel experience.

Making it Personal

More and more customers are looking for easy, personalized experiences, forcing consumer goods companies to look for innovative ways to meet demands. It’s no longer enough to offer a great product or service; consumers want to learn about your brand, purchase your product or service, and engage with you digitally throughout the entire process.

According to ASUG research, 97% of respondents believe that technology will significantly or moderately affect their company’s customer relationship management or customer satisfaction processes. Artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), and analytics are on the radar for retail and consumer products companies. Nearly 40% of retailers ranked the ability to turn customer data into intelligent and actionable insight one of their greatest challenges.

During the Consumer Industries Forum, you’ll hear from other companies faced with these same challenges. You’ll learn how they’re levering SAP solutions such as SAP Marketing Cloud to meet those expectations.

For those who are considering implementing SAP Marketing Cloud or want to know more about SAP C/4HANA, Nicholas shares how the platform works and why it’s important to know your customer first for everything else to work effectively.

Fill out the form below to download the interview with Nicholas Cumins and read the full conversation.